I hear you

What is your favourite superhero power? Which one would you like to have yourself? Are you sure you could live with it? Let me tell you something: Despite being exciting and awe-inspiring in fiction, superpowers might be incredibly challenging to manage in everyday life. And I really should know, because I have a superpower myself, true story.

Oh, I never told you about it? Well, I do. I have super senses. Well, at least some. Definitely the hearing. So, when the doctor asked for an audiometry to try to find the reason for my increasingly frequent sinusitis, I thought: “Okay, but I am sure it will not help us in this case”.

Obediently, I strolled in for my audiometry test. And guess what? The verdict: even better than last time! The doc was all impressed, but before you accuse me of bragging, let me assure you, having super hearing does not make my life easier and neither make me immune to pesky sinusitis attacks! Oh, the little ironies of life!

Having heightened hearing abilities can be both a blessing and a curse. In fact, they may introduce their own set of unique struggles: while it is fascinating to pick up on even the faintest of sounds, it also means being constantly bombarded with the cacophony of everyday life. The hum of electricity, the rustle of leaves, the distant chatter of people – they all merge into an overwhelming symphony that never seems to fade.

Ah, the delightful paradox of possessing extraordinary abilities while being surrounded by ordinary adversities! In my case, the greatest obstacle happens to be my cacophonous, off-key neighbors. I cannot help but ponder whether this is an unavoidable prerequisite for renting a space in this building. I mean, what are the chances of every single neighbor lacking the ability to hit a single note? It is a true symphony of disharmony indeed!

I am quite aware of the fact that musicians, bless their hearts, seem to have developed a bit of a reputation for being rather stubborn when it comes to the playlists of other people. They can be quite particular about what they consider “good music,” and they have a knack for unearthing tracks from the deepest, darkest corners of the musical world. I wonder if this is why I feel so personally affected the bad musical taste of my neighbors and their irritating inability to sing.

Or, perhaps, the reason comes from something else, immensely more harmful to our life in community than being out of tune: our increasing incapacicity to truly listen the inability to listen, whether to others or to oneself. In many instances, the inability to tune in and listen attentively stems from a place much more detrimental to our collective existence than the mere music taste related discordance.

The inability to truly listen, whether directed towards others or ourselves, can initiate a cascade of miscommunication, hindering the cultivation of empathy, genuine understanding, and meaningful connections. This inability to listen attentively often goes unnoticed, yet its effects can be profound. In a world where everyone is eager to speak and be heard, the lost art of genuine listening has become increasingly rare.

When we fail to truly listen, we miss out on the nuances of communication, which are often more important than the words themselves. We miss the opportunity to truly understand the perspectives, emotions, and the experiences of others, usually paving the way for conflict, creating barriers between individuals and within communities.

On the other hand, the act of authentic listening can foster empathy, trust, and a deep sense of connection. It allows us to grasp the underlying emotions and intentions behind the words, leading to meaningful and fulfilling interactions. In an age where technology has made communication faster and more convenient, the value of genuine, attentive listening cannot be overstated.

In cultivating the skill of listening, we not only enhance our personal relationships but also contribute to the well-being of the larger community. Meaningful connections and a sense of belonging are crucial for the emotional and psychological health of individuals and communities alike.

It is crucial to recognize that the art of listening extends beyond the physical act of hearing; it encompasses the willingness to understand, empathize, and absorb the perspectives and experiences of those around us. When we neglect this vital skill, we risk perpetuating a cycle of discord, misinterpretation, and division. Therefore, nurturing the capacity to listen intently and empathetically is pivotal in fostering a more inlcusive, understanding society.

By making a conscious effort to listen with genuine interest and empathy, we can build bridges and earn the confidence, whether that of your neighbors or your audience. Moreover, developing the skill of active listening with true sincerity and understanding lays the foundation for meaningful connections and trust, where mutual respect and openness can thrive.

The ability to truly pay attention to what others say is a skill that can greatly enrich personal relationships. It demonstrates respect, empathy, and a willingness to understand and connect with others on a deeper level. This quality is not only important in personal relationships, though. It also plays a crucial role in the relationship between an artist and their audience.

For an artist, being able to connect with their audience is a sine qua non quality, an essential element that can make or break their success. When an artist is able to engage with their audience in a way that resonates with both parties, it creates a powerful and meaningful connection that elevates the performance and the experience of the audience.

The act of truly listening – to your inner voice, to the stories and emotions that surround you, to the experiences of others – can profoundly enrich your creative expression and it is a powerful tool for every artist. Deep listening allows you to absorb the nuances and complexities of the world, infusing your art with authenticity and depth.

Genuinely responding to your artistic endeavors means staying true to your vision and expressing it in a way that resonates with your audience. it can be a transformative factor in both your personal relationships and your artistic journey.

Be seeing you!


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